Tuesday, January 23, 2007

All Too Much

Sometimes I feel as though I'm going mad. It's as if the entire structure of life as I know it has collapsed around me and I'm the only one who's unaware. Yes, my friends, the Roommate drama continues. However, I've not the strength to discuss it presently. I would like to tell happier tales than those of the lying, shit-talking piece of human waste that was our Roommate. I will tell you right now that he has moved out, thank heaven. Well, kind of. His shit's still there but he is not.

So what shall we discuss today? The weather? Our snow is gone. It's unseasonably warm, although everyone keeps saying how cold it is. What are you gonna do? California weather is finicky.

Shall we discuss the changing face of modern religion and it's progressive movement away from the ancient religious structure? We could include in this discussion, of course, ancient religions and their impact on those of the modern day.

Perhaps alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone, angelic language?

Would you like to hear about how I almost drowned on a backpacking trip in Alaska? That's a long story, perhaps for another time.

I'm listening to my favorite morning talk radio program right now, and they are discussing the academy Awards. There's something I could not get less excited about. First of all, we don't go to movies. I won't. Ever again. Not until they allow me to take in some sort of either stun gun or taser or cattle prod, with which I can electrocute those total assholes who insist on talking, answering cell phones, taking fucking 10 minutes to open the damned plastic on your SnoCaps for the love of God! I can't take it. It's as if every noise is magnified in the theater and all the loudest people are sitting in the five seats directly around me. Second, I hate Hollywood. I hate actors, actresses, movie producers, what Hollywood stands for, all of it. It sickens me. I mean, sure, Husband and I watch movies at home. We sometimes rent them or purchase them on pay per view. But if it's got Tom Cruise in it, forget it. You can't pay me to watch it. Anyway, Oscars Schmoskers.


Anonymous said...

dude, kick his ass out. enough already.

you'dneverguess said...

Done and done. Things blew to pieces last night. I'll post about it later.